From Sour to Sweet: A Chocolate, Gluten-Free Snacking Cake Demo
As part of our June Bread Celebration, this class has been donated by the instructor. All proceeds will directly benefit the mission, members and programs of the Guild, and support the craft, culture and business of artisan baking.
6:00PM - 7:00PM EDT
Sourdough leavens have a place in the sweet kitchen as well as the savory. A natural leaven’s chemical status means it can be a vital component for quick leavening: low pH sourdough + high pH baking soda = rapid, vigorous CO2 production. Also, as is the case with bread dough, slow sourdough fermentation alters a batter’s flavor and structure. If sourdough is used to make a sponge, and the sponge integrated into cake batter, the final product has a crumb of exceptional tenderness and taste. The sweet kitchen baker’s task, then, is to pace the process steps and additions of ingredients to take advantage of these facts.
In this 1-hour zoom demonstration, participants will learn how to strategize timing of processes, prepare ingredients, and assemble parts to make a cake of unique flavor and texture: quinoa-chocolate. Which is also gluten-free.
Charles Luce began baking with the gluten-free grain flours after being diagnosed with celiac disease, in 2002, and realizing the disappointing qualities of available GF breads. After 8 years of product development he created ways to make big-flavored artisan GF bread mixes for home bakers. His business, GF Creations LLC dba Luce’s Gluten-Free Artisan Breads, launched in 2012. Mixes sold by Luce’s included Classic Sourdough, Italian, not-really Rye, WholeGrain Sourdough (mostly buckwheat), cinnamon-teff, flatbread (also used for bagels), pancake, and all-purpose. In 2015 Luce licensed his intellectual property to Rana’s Bakery London (now My GF Bakery UK). In 2018 he licensed the IP to Marie Eiffel Market on Shelter Island NY and retired from his factory. Since, he has continued to invent methods and create recipes, placing them into the public domain at Luces9Grains.com. He has promoted the attributes of non-glutenous grains through a newsletter and in speaking engagements, including a presentation at the Johnston and Wales 2019 International Symposium on Breads.
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